放疗是对抗肿瘤的一种有效方法,但我们知道,其在杀死肿瘤细胞的同时,通常也会损害健康组织。以色列特拉维夫大学生物医学工程系的Israel Gannot教授开发出了一种新的方法能够破坏肿瘤组织,且副作用更小,对周围组织的破坏程度也降到了极小。
"一旦纳米粒子绑定到肿瘤上,我们会使用一个外部磁场激活它们,然后纳米粒子就开始快速局部升温。" Gannot教授解释说:"我们可以通过控制磁场调控温度的上升,这种可控的温度最终能够杀灭肿瘤细胞。"
Nanomedicine DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2010.06.007
A new thermography-based approach to early detection of cancer utilizing magnetic nanoparticles theory simulation and in vitro validation
Arie Levy, Abraham Dayan, Moshe Ben-David, Israel Gannot.
This work describes the utilization of tumor-specific magnetic nanoparticles together with an alternating magnetic field as a means to thermally mark a tumor so as to detect it using a thermal imaging system. Experiments were conducted using an in vitro tissue model, an inductive heating system, and an infrared camera. The thermal images, recorded by the infrared camera during the experiments, were analyzed using an algorithm that was developed as part of this work. The results show that small tumor phantoms (diameter of 0.5 mm) that were embedded under the surface of the tissue phantom (up to 14 mm below the surface) can be detected and located, indicating that the proposed method could potentially offer considerable advantages over conventional thermography and other methods for cancer early detection. Nevertheless, several issues should be clarified in future studies before the method can be offered for clinical use.