在我国,每年约有40万人死于肺癌,在各类癌症引起的死亡中高居榜首。肺腺癌是肺癌的各种亚类中最常见的类型,在每年全球确诊的新增肺癌病患中约占40%。研究肺癌中基因突变对肺癌的临床诊断和预后有着重要的意义。近日,国际肺癌研究协会举办的专业学术期刊Journal of Thoracic Oncology在线发表了生化与细胞所季红斌研究组与复旦大学肿瘤医院合作开展的最新研究成果,报道了中国肺腺癌人群中热点基因LKB1、EGFR和KRAS的突变谱。
LKB1又名STK11 (serine threonine kinase 11),是丝氨酸苏氨酸激酶家族的成员,并且是家族性黑斑息肉综合症的致病基因。季红斌研究组此前的工作发现抑癌基因LKB1对肿瘤的转移有着重要的影响,其蛋白缺失可显著提高肿瘤细胞的转移。表皮生长因子EGFR是介导细胞生长信号的重要分子,并且在临床上携带该基因突的肺癌患者对抑制酪氨酸激酶的小分子化合物抑制剂(Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors,TKIs)有着很高的响应。KRAS是EGFR通路下游的重要信号分子,对MAPK通路有着直接的调节作用。上述三个基因在西方肺癌人群中有着相当比例的突变率,在亚洲包括韩国和日本肺癌人群中也有一定研究。我国的肺癌人群中LKB1,EGFR和KRAS突变的总体特征尚缺乏较为全面的认识。
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Jun 16;:20559149
Spectrum of LKB1, EGFR, and KRAS Mutations in Chinese Lung Adenocarcinomas.
Bin Gao, Yihua Sun, Junhua Zhang, Yan Ren, Rong Fang, Xiangkun Han, Lei Shen, Xin-Yuan Liu, William Pao, Haiquan Chen, Hongbin Ji
*Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Departments of daggerThoracic Surgery and double daggerPathology, Shanghai Cancer Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; and section signVanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, Tennessee.
INTRODUCTION:: Somatic LKB1 mutations are found in lung adenocarcinomas at different frequencies in Caucasian and East Asian (Japanese and Korean) populations. This study was designed to characterize the frequency of LKB1 mutations, their relationship to EGFR and KRAS mutations, and their associated clinicopathologic characteristics in Chinese patients. METHODS:: Two hundred thirty-nine lung adenocarcinomas consecutively collected from October 2007 to July 2009 were dissected into 3 to 4 small (3 mm) pieces for histopathological analyses of tumor content. Genomic DNA and/or cDNA from 86 samples with more than 70% tumor content were used for sequencing of LKB1 (exons 1-9), EGFR (exons 18-21), and KRAS (exon 2). LKB1 germline mutation status was determined by sequencing of genomic DNA from matched histologically distant lung tissues that are histologically normal. RESULTS:: 6.9% of lung adenocarcinomas harbored LKB1 somatic mutations. A total of 10.5% of patients had an LKB1 germline polymorphism, F354L. Interestingly, in two of these patients, tumors displayed loss of heterozygosity at this allele. EGFR kinase domain and KRAS mutations were found in 66.3% and 2.3% of Chinese lung adenocarcinomas, respectively. Concurrent LKB1 and EGFR somatic mutations were observed in one patient. Both KRAS-mutant tumors harbored LKB1 mutations. CONCLUSIONS:: These data provide important clinical and molecular characteristics of lung adenocarcinomas from Chinese patients.