"如果可能的话,我们能够使癌细胞像正常细胞那样死亡,"华盛顿州立大学分子生物学学院的副教授Weihang Chai表示,"大体上可使癌细胞在"永生"中受到威胁。"
Chai和她的同事们,在最新一期的EMBO Journal杂志上发布了这项研究,他们发现一个调控蛋白能够控制第二股链的延伸,另外还发现了一种对该链合成来说是必需的蛋白。
The EMBO Journal doi:10.1038/emboj.2010.156
Molecular steps of G-overhang generation at human telomeres and its function in chromosome end protection
Xueyu Dai1,2,4, Chenhui Huang1,2,4, Amruta Bhusari3,4,5, Shilpa Sampathi1,2, Kathryn Schubert1 and Weihang Chai1,2
1 WWAMI Medical Education Program, Washington State University, Spokane, WA, USA
2 School of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA
3 Department of Biology, Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX, USA
Telomeric G-overhangs are required for the formation of the protective telomere structure and telomerase action. However, the mechanism controlling G-overhang generation at human telomeres is poorly understood. Here, we show that G-overhangs can undergo cell cycle-regulated changes independent of telomerase activity. G-overhangs at lagging telomeres are lengthened in S phase and then shortened in late S/G2 because of C-strand fill-in, whereas the sizes of G-overhangs at leading telomeres remain stable throughout S phase and are lengthened in G2/M. The final nucleotides at measurable C-strands are precisely defined throughout the cell cycle, indicating that C-strand resection is strictly regulated. We demonstrate that C-strand fill-in is mediated by DNA polymerase α (polα) and controlled by cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). Inhibition of CDK1 leads to accumulation of lengthened G-overhangs and induces telomeric DNA damage response. Furthermore, depletion of hStn1 results in elongation of G-overhangs and an increase in telomeric DNA damage. Our results suggest that G-overhang generation at human telomeres is regulated by multiple tightly controlled processes and C-strand fill-in is under the control of polα and CDK1.