
2010-03-11 00:00 · Merry



来自Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center的科学家对乳腺癌患者基因检测提出质疑。基因组检测在早期乳腺癌患者中变得越来越常见,基因检测过程主要探测21个与乳腺癌相关的基因,在接受外科手术后,这些基因的表达量可以预示乳腺癌的复发几率。这些检测结果可以帮助患者与医生,指导治疗策略,比如,是否通过化疗来解决复发问题。





Cancer doi:10.1002/cncr.24990

Women's experiences with genomic testing for breast cancer recurrence risk

Janice P. Tzeng, MPH 1, Deborah Mayer, PhD, RN 2, Alice R. Richman, PhD 1, Isaac Lipkus, PhD 3, Paul K. Han, MD, MA, MPH 4, Carmina G. Valle, MPH 5, Lisa A. Carey, MD 6, Noel T. Brewer, PhD 1 *

1Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2School of Nursing, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

3School of Nursing, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

4Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland

5Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

6Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina



Few studies have examined how patients understand and use genomic test results when deciding about treatment. This study examined how women receive and incorporate results of Oncotype DX, a genomic test that offers recurrence risk estimates, into decisions about adjuvant treatment for early stage breast cancer.


Participants in the cross-sectional study were 77 women with early stage, estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer with 0 to 3 positive lymph nodes who received Oncotype DX between 2004 and 2009. Mailed surveys, supplemented by medical chart review, assessed how women received and understood recurrence risk information based on the test.


The most common test results were low (50%, 34 of 68) or intermediate (37%, 25 of 68) breast cancer recurrence risk. Most women accurately recalled their recurrence risk based on the test (71%) and felt they understood much of what they were told about it (67%). Approximately 25% of women recalled experiencing test-related distress. Women's perceived recurrence risk was associated with their actual genomic-based recurrence risks, having had a previous cancer diagnosis, and worry about recurrence. Women with high recurrence risk typically had chemotherapy (78%, 7 of 9), whereas only 2 with a low recurrence risk did (7%, 2 of 30).


This is among the first studies to describe patients' experiences with genomic testing for recurrence risk. Although many women understood discussions about their genomic test results, a third reported not fully understanding these discussions, suggesting a need to aid and improve risk communication and treatment decision making.
