日本神户理化研究所的科学家Takuya Hayashi领导了这项研究,研究对象是10只成年恒河猴,科学家在这些动物的身体左侧诱导了帕金森症。
Takuya Hayashi和其他研究者这些恒河猴的髋关节中取出骨髓,从中分离出间质干细胞——这种类型细胞有时被用于治疗白血病(间质干细胞可分化发育为骨、软骨及脂肪等细胞,但与可分化为所有细胞类型的胚胎干细胞和诱导多能干细胞并不完全一样)。然后,Takuya Hayashi的团队利用以前报道过的技术将间质干细胞转变为了产多巴胺的神经细胞。
Autologous mesenchymal stem cell–derived dopaminergic neurons function in parkinsonian macaques
Takuya Hayashi, Shohei Wakao, Masaaki Kitada et al.
A cell-based therapy for the replacement of dopaminergic neurons has been a long-term goal in Parkinson’s disease research. Here, we show that autologous engraftment of A9 dopaminergic neuron-like cells induced from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) leads to long-term survival of the cells and restoration of motor function in hemiparkinsonian macaques. Differentiated MSCs expressed markers of A9 dopaminergic neurons and released dopamine after depolarization in vitro. The differentiated autologous cells were engrafted in the affected portion of the striatum. Animals that received transplants showed modest and gradual improvements in motor behaviors. Positron emission tomography (PET) using [11C]-CFT, a ligand for the dopamine transporter (DAT), revealed a dramatic increase in DAT expression, with a subsequent exponential decline over a period of 7 months. Kinetic analysis of the PET findings revealed that DAT expression remained above baseline levels for over 7 months. Immunohistochemical evaluations at 9 months consistently demonstrated the existence of cells positive for DAT and other A9 dopaminergic neuron markers in the engrafted striatum. These data suggest that transplantation of differentiated autologous MSCs may represent a safe and effective cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease.
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