
2012-11-26 23:03 · 张辰宇

芝加哥大学和西北大学的研究人员发现,卵巢癌细胞能够转化环境中的正常细胞,使这些细胞支持癌细胞生长,科学家们揭示了这一转化过程的机制,并为癌症治疗提供了新靶点。相关研究发表在美国癌症研究协会旗下的Cancer Discovery杂志上。



在美国癌症研究协会旗下的Cancer Discovery杂志12月刊上,芝加哥大学和西北大学的研究人员发表了一项研究,研究显示卵巢癌细胞能够改变邻近正常细胞中三种microRNA的合成。microRNA是基因表达的重要调节因子。


“这些癌支持细胞是潜在的新癌症治疗靶点,”该文章的作者之一,芝加哥大学妇产科教授Ernst Lengyel说。“癌细胞突变很快,因此它们很容易对治疗产生抵抗。但癌相关成纤维细胞在遗传学上是稳定的,”他说。“它们的有害行为是由microRNA驱使的,而抑制这些信号就是抗击癌症的新途径,不仅可以瓦解癌细胞的支持系统,也不大可能演化出抗性。”



“科学家们才刚开始学会将正常细胞重编程为多能干细胞,”文章作者,西北大学医学教授Marcus Peter说。“我们的研究显示,癌细胞有能力将环境中的正常细胞重编程,让它们支持癌细胞生长,而这一过程涉及了microRNA。”




MicroRNAs Reprogram Normal Fibroblasts into Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Ovarian Cancer

Mitra AKZillhardt MHua YTiwari PMurmann AEPeter MELengyel E

Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) are a major constituent of the tumor stroma, but little is known about how cancer cells transform normal fibroblasts into CAFs. microRNAs (miRNA) are small noncoding RNA molecules that negatively regulate gene expression at a posttranscriptional level. Although it is clearly established that miRNAs are deregulated in human cancers, it is not known whether miRNA expression in resident fibroblasts is affected by their interaction with cancer cells. We found that in ovarian CAFs, miR-31 and miR-214 were downregulated, whereas miR-155 was upregulated when compared with normal or tumor-adjacent fibroblasts. Mimicking this deregulation by transfecting miRNAs and miRNA inhibitors induced a functional conversion of normal fibroblasts into CAFs, and the reverse experiment resulted in the reversion of CAFs into normal fibroblasts. The miRNA-reprogrammed normal fibroblasts and patient-derived CAFs shared a large number of upregulated genes highly enriched in chemokines, which are known to be important for CAF function. The most highly upregulated chemokine, CCL5, (C-C motif ligand 5) was found to be a direct target of miR-214. These results indicate that ovarian cancer cells reprogram fibroblasts to become CAFs through the action of miRNAs. Targeting these miRNAs in stromal cells could have therapeutic benefit.

文献链接MicroRNAs Reprogram Normal Fibroblasts into Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Ovarian Cancer