论文的主要作者Bruce Baum博士近期从NIDCR退休,在过去21年里他致力于推动唾液腺基因治疗从基础研究进入临床。Baum说:“你无法想象从1991年匆匆摘记在餐布上的一个想法,随后看到它进入临床试验帮助到人们,是如何实现的。一个科学家还能要求得到比这更好的吗?”
Early responses to adenoviral-mediated transfer of the aquaporin-1 cDNA for radiation-induced salivary hypofunction
Bruce J. Bauma, Ilias Alevizos, Changyu Zheng, Ana P. Cotrima, Shuying Liua, Linda McCullagha, Corinne M. Goldsmitha, Peter D. Burbelob, Deborah E. Citrinc, James B. Mitchelld, Liesl K. Nottinghame, Susan F. Rudye, Carter Van Waese, Millie A. Whatleyf, Jaime S. Brahimg, John A. Chiorinia, Stamatina Danielidesa, R. James Turnera, Nicholas J. Patronash, Clara C. Chenf, Nikolay P. Nikolova, and Gabor G. IlleiaBruce J. Bauma, Ilias Alevizos, Changyu Zheng, Ana P. Cotrima, Shuying Liua, Linda McCullagha, Corinne M. Goldsmitha, Peter D. Burbelob, Deborah E. Citrinc, James B. Mitchelld, Liesl K. Nottinghame, Susan F. Rudye, Carter Van Waese, Millie A. Whatleyf, Jaime S. Brahimg, John A. Chiorinia, Stamatina Danielidesa, R. James Turnera, Nicholas J. Patronash, Clara C. Chenf, Nikolay P. Nikolova, and Gabor G. Illeia
No conventional therapy exists for salivary hypofunction in surviving head and neck cancer patients with Radiation Therapy Oncology Group late grade 2–3 toxicity. We conducted a phase I clinical trial to test the safety and biologic efficacy of serotype 5, adenoviral-mediated aquaporin-1 cDNA transfer to a single previously irradiated parotid gland in 11 subjects using an open label, single-dose, dose-escalation design (AdhAQP1 vector; four dose tiers from 4.8 × 107 to 5.8 × 109 vector particles per gland). Treated subjects were followed at scheduled intervals. Multiple safety parameters were measured and biologic efficacy was evaluated with measurements of parotid salivary flow rate. Symptoms were assessed with a visual analog scale. All subjects tolerated vector delivery and study procedures well over the 42-d study period reported. No deaths, serious adverse events, or dose-limiting toxicities occurred. Generally, few adverse events occurred, and all were considered mild or moderate. No consistent changes were found in any clinical chemistry and hematology parameters measured. Objective responses were seen in six subjects, all at doses <5.8 × 109 vector particles per gland. Five of these six subjects also experienced subjective improvement in xerostomia. AdhAQP1 vector delivery to a single parotid gland was safe and transfer of the hAQP1 cDNA increased parotid flow and relieved symptoms in a subset of subjects.