
2012-10-25 14:44 · lobu



中外制药发现,当给予一种抗癌药后,癌症干细胞会转变成非增殖性耐药性细胞,而停止给药后,这些细胞又恢复了增殖特性。该公司还发现,向已注射癌症干细胞的小鼠体内,注射一种能特异结合表达于癌症干细胞上一种蛋白的抗体后,能抑制癌症的转移。这些研究结果已在线发表于10月18日的《干细胞》(Stem Cells)。


该项研究通过新加坡PharmaLogicals Research公司、日本Forerunner Pharma Research公司、中外制药株式会社研究部门合作,并与日本及海外的学术界联合开展。中外制药株式会社认为,这些重要的发现,将导致一种靶向癌症干细胞的新型抗癌药物的开发。







LGR5-Positive Colon Cancer Stem Cells Interconvert with Drug Resistant LGR5-Negative Cells and are Capable of Tumor Reconstitution

Shinta Kobayashi, Hisafumi Yamada-Okabe, Masami Suzuki, Osamu Natori, Atsuhiko Kato, Koichi Matsubara, Yu Jau Chen, Masaki Yamazaki, Shinichi Funahashi, Kenji Yoshida, Eri Hashimoto, Yoshinori Watanabe, Hironori Mutoh, Motooki Ashihara, Chie Kato, Takeshi Watanabe, Takashi Yoshikubo, Norikazu Tamaoki, Takahiro Ochiya, Masahiko Kuroda, Arnold J. Levine, Tatsumi Yamazaki

The cancer stem cell (CSC) concept has been proposed as an attractive theory to explain cancer development, and CSCs themselves have been considered as targets for the development of diagnostics and therapeutics. However, many unanswered questions concerning the existence of slow cycling/quiescent, drug resistant CSCs remain. Here we report the establishment of colon cancer CSC lines, interconversion of the CSCs between a proliferating and a drug resistant state, and reconstitution of tumor hierarchy from the CSCs. Stable cell lines having CSC properties were established from human colon cancer after serial passages in NOD/Shi-scid, IL-2Rγnull (NOG) mice and subsequent adherent cell culture of these tumors. By generating specific antibodies against LGR5, we demonstrated that these cells expressed LGR5 and underwent self-renewal using symmetrical divisions. Upon exposure to irinotecan, the LGR5+ cells transitioned into an LGR5- drug resistant state. The LGR5- cells converted to an LGR5+ state in the absence of the drug. DNA microarray analysis and immunohistochemistry demonstrated that HLA-DMA was specifically expressed in drug resistant LGR5- cells and epiregulin was expressed in both LGR5+ and drug resistant LGR5- cells. Both cells sustained tumor initiating activity in NOG mice, giving rise to a tumor tissue hierarchy. In addition, anti-epiregulin antibody was found to be efficacious in a metastatic model. Both LGR5+ and LGR5- cells were detected in the tumor tissues of colon cancer patients. The results provide new biological insights into drug resistance of CSCs and new therapeutic options for cancer treatment.

文献链接:LGR5-Positive Colon Cancer Stem Cells Interconvert with Drug Resistant LGR5-Negative Cells and are Capable of Tumor Reconstitution

关键词: 癌症干细胞