
2010-05-31 00:00 · Edwiin




在这项合作研究中,研究人员以无包膜的双链RNA病毒――草鱼呼肠孤病毒(Grass Carp Reovirus, GCRV)为研究模型,采用单颗粒低温冷冻电子显微技术构建了GCRV感染性亚病毒颗粒(ISVP)高分辨率的原子模型,此模型包括膜穿透蛋白VP5和三种核心蛋白的6种构象异构体近5000个蛋白残基,突破性地揭示了病毒入侵过程中膜穿透蛋白由静息(dormant)状态到起动(Priming)状态转换的动态过程。这一创新性发现为进一步研究病毒入侵机制以及相关病毒性疾病的防治提供了重要的依据。

一直以来,科学家们对于包膜病毒细胞进入的膜融合机制的研究已经十分深入,但是对于无包膜病毒的细胞入侵机制却知之甚少。隶属于中科院武汉病毒所病毒学国家重点实验室的水生病毒及结构与功能学科组主要的研究方向是以水生生物病毒――草鱼呼肠孤病毒(Grass Carp Reovirus,GCRV)为研究模型,进行包括人类、哺乳动物、水生动物、植物、昆虫的dsRNA病毒的基因组与衣壳蛋白的结构与功能比较研究,探讨dsRNA病毒内源性转录复制机理以及病毒外衣壳蛋白在侵染过程中与宿主细胞的相互作用。



Cell, Volume 141, Issue 3, 472-482, 15 April 2010 | 10.1016/j.cell.2010.03.041

3.3 Å Cryo-EM Structure of a Nonenveloped Virus Reveals a Priming Mechanism for Cell Entry

Xing Zhang, Lei Jin, Qin Fang, Wong H. Hui, Z. Hong ZhouSee


To achieve cell entry, many nonenveloped viruses must transform from a dormant to a primed state. In contrast to the membrane fusion mechanism of enveloped viruses (e.g., influenza virus), this membrane penetration mechanism is poorly understood. Here, using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy, we report a 3.3 Å structure of the primed, infectious subvirion particle of aquareovirus. The density map reveals side-chain densities of all types of amino acids (except glycine), enabling construction of a full-atom model of the viral particle. Our structure and biochemical results show that priming involves autocleavage of the membrane penetration protein and suggest that Lys84 and Glu76 may facilitate this autocleavage in a nucleophilic attack. We observe a myristoyl group, covalently linked to the N terminus of the penetration protein and embedded in a hydrophobic pocket. These results suggest a well-orchestrated process of nonenveloped virus entry involving autocleavage of the penetration protein prior to exposure of its membrane-insertion finger.
