
2010-03-29 00:00 · harry

专题:Nature系列 欧洲科学家发现,细菌能够在无光照的情况下用自己制造的氧气来分解甲烷气体。该发现表明在植物首次出现之前细菌就已开始制造氧气,补上了地球演化过程中“缺失的一环”。相关研究成果发表在3月25日的《自然》杂志上。 甲烷是一种化学性质相当稳定的气体,跟强酸、强碱等










Nature doi:10.1038/nature08883

Nitrite-driven anaerobic methane oxidation by oxygenic bacteria

Katharina F. Ettwig1,10, Margaret K. Butler1,10,11, Denis Le Paslier2,3,4, Eric Pelletier2,3,4, Sophie Mangenot2, Marcel M. M. Kuypers5, Frank Schreiber5, Bas E. Dutilh6, Johannes Zedelius5, Dirk de Beer5, Jolein Gloerich7, Hans J. C. T. Wessels7, Theo van Alen1, Francisca Luesken1, Ming L. Wu1, Katinka T. van de Pas-Schoonen1, Huub J. M. Op den Camp1, Eva M. Janssen-Megens8, Kees-Jan Francoijs8, Henk Stunnenberg8, Jean Weissenbach2,3,4, Mike S. M. Jetten1 " Marc Strous1,5,9

Only three biological pathways are known to produce oxygen: photosynthesis, chlorate respiration and the detoxification of reactive oxygen species. Here we present evidence for a fourth pathway, possibly of considerable geochemical and evolutionary importance. The pathway was discovered after metagenomic sequencing of an enrichment culture that couples anaerobic oxidation of methane with the reduction of nitrite to dinitrogen. The complete genome of the dominant bacterium, named ‘Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera’, was assembled. This apparently anaerobic, denitrifying bacterium encoded, transcribed and expressed the well-established aerobic pathway for methane oxidation, whereas it lacked known genes for dinitrogen production. Subsequent isotopic labelling indicated that ‘M. oxyfera’ bypassed the denitrification intermediate nitrous oxide by the conversion of two nitric oxide molecules to dinitrogen and oxygen, which was used to oxidize methane. These results extend our understanding of hydrocarbon degradation under anoxic conditions and explain the biochemical mechanism of a poorly understood freshwater methane sink. Because nitrogen oxides were already present on early Earth, our finding opens up the possibility that oxygen was available to microbial metabolism before the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis.
