最新一期Nucleic Acids Research上发表了一篇利用PacBio单分子测序方法对HIV-1病毒转录组可变剪切模式的研究。HIV-1病毒是一种典型的RNA病毒,其基因组比目前已知的任何一种病毒基因组都复杂。HIV-1只有一个转录起始位点,却有多种剪切异构体,是研究可变剪切的一种较好模型。
Dynamic regulation of HIV-1 mRNA populations analyzed by single-molecule enrichment and long-read sequencing
Karen E. Ocwieja, Scott Sherrill-Mix, Rithun Mukherjee, Rebecca Custers-Allen, Patricia David, Michael Brown, Susana Wang, Darren R. Link, Jeff Olson, Kevin Travers, Eric Schadt, and Frederic D. Bushman
Alternative RNA splicing greatly expands the repertoire of proteins encoded by genomes. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is attractive for studying alternative splicing because of the efficiency and low cost per base, but short reads typical of NGS only report mRNA fragments containing one or few splice junctions. Here, we used single-molecule amplification and long-read sequencing to study the HIV-1 provirus, which is only 9700 bp in length, but encodes nine major proteins via alternative splicing. Our data showed that the clinical isolate HIV-189.6 produces at least 109 different spliced RNAs, including a previously unappreciated ∼1 kb class of messages, two of which encode new proteins. HIV-1 message populations differed between cell types, longitudinally during infection, and among T cells from different human donors. These findings open a new window on a little studied aspect of HIV-1 replication, suggest therapeutic opportunities and provide advanced tools for the study of alternative splicing.