诺贝尔得主Richard roberts在DNA和基因组活动周致辞

2012-04-25 13:17 · bioevent

2012中国西安第三届国际DNA和基因组活动周开幕,1993年诺贝尔生理医学奖得主Richard roberts代表参会的10为诺奖得主在会上致辞。






干细胞可以分化成其他的细胞因此被赋予了“全能”的荣誉。那么,干细胞究竟能够分化成什么,怎样进行分化,走哪条路到达分化终点,这些过程又是由哪些因素决定的呢?这些有挑战性的研究时常令我感到兴奋。 我们可以利用功能细胞来获得多能干细胞,这样可以以旧换新如肾或者是心。




It is a pleasure to be here in Xian for what promises to be an exciting few days. Since the demonstration in 1944 by McCarty, Avery and McCleod that DNA was the genetic material, DNA has come a long way. We know its basic structure, can read some of its code and know the basics of how it directs the manufacture of the protein and RNA molecules that perform the essential functions in the cell.  However, despite our rapidly increasing ability to sequence DNA quickly and at low cost, our ability to understand the full function of the proteins it encodes is lagging very far behind and this ignorance currently blocks a complete understanding of how cells work.

The 21st century already has a dominant focus on biology and we can expect to learn of many basic discoveries about cellular function as well as many new applications of our biological knowledge that will impact our health and well-being. We can expect new biofuels and novel treatments for disease. In the agricultural arena there will be major improvements in food plants to increase yield, use less water, resist pests and grow in increasingly harsh environments. On a political level, governments must embrace genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and not give way to the European prophets of doom, who oppose the use of GMOs for purely political purposes, despite a complete absence of evidence that they can cause any harm. To any well-informed scientist traditionally-bred plants seem much more likely to be harmful than GMOs.

We should be able to transform our growing knowledge of the human genome and its many variations into better treatments and diagnostics.  It is just as important that we learn more about the bacteria that colonize our bodies since they too are an essential part of what it means to be human.  While truly personal medicine is probably a long way off, there can be little doubt that it will mature and provide considerable health benefits.

Synthetic biology that will enable us to build novel microorganisms from scratch is still in its infancy, but promises much for the future. Most exciting is the promise of stem cells where the challenge is to understand how to drive their differentiation into all of the other cell types in our bodies. We have the prospect of using adult cells to derive pluripotent cells that can be grown to provide new parts to replace worn out ones such as kidneys or even hearts. The challenges are both daunting, in terms of the basic knowledge needed, as well exhilarating in terms of the future. While I do not advocate prolonging life indefinitely I am very much in favor of ensuring that as we age the quality of our life does not diminish.

I very much look forward to the talks we are about to hear and would encourage everyone, but especially the young people, to listen and let your imaginations run wild about the prospects for building on our current knowledge.  The future is in your hands not ours.

关键词: 诺贝尔