
2012-08-23 10:58 · lobu





北京大学“大学堂顶尖学者讲学计划”(Peking University Global Fellowship)是北大加快世界一流大学建设的重要举措之一,旨在通过在全球范围内邀请各领域的顶尖学者来校举办讲座、开设课程、开展合作研究等,在北大汇聚一批世界级顶尖学者,进一步提升引进国外智力的层次,促进世界一流人才与校内科研骨干的融合,开展高水平的学术交流,以推动科学研究、人才培养的全面创新和发展,增强创建世界一流大学的综合竞争力。在未来5年中,该计划每年准备邀请至少10位世界级顶尖学者来北大讲学、交流。受邀学者为国际知名教授或学科领域内的顶尖学者,具有前瞻性、战略性的眼光,引领本学科保持或赶超国际领先水平。


2012年,美国科学院院士(Member, National Academy of Sciences)

2011年,赛克勒国际生物物理学奖(Raymond & Beverly Sackler International Prize in Biophysics)

2010年,Max Delbruck 生物物理学奖(Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics)

2008年,霍华德休斯医学研究所合作创新奖(HHMI collaborative Innovation Award)

2008年,Coblentz奖(Coblentz Award)

2006年,Pure Chemistry奖(Pure Chemistry Award )

2005年,德瑞福斯教师-学者奖(Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award)

2004年,斯隆研究奖(Sloan Research Fellowship)

2004年,《科技评论》杂志“世界前一百名青年创新者”(Technology Review Worlds Top 100 Young Innovators Award)

2003年,麦克阿瑟基金(MacArthur Fellowship )

2003年,Packard科学工程奖(Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering)

2003年,美国国家科学基金个人成就奖(CAREER award, National Science Foundation)

2003年,Searle学者奖(Searle Scholar)

2003年,贝克曼青年研究员奖(Beckman Young Investigator Award)

2002年,海军研究办公室青年研究员奖(Young Investigator Award, Office of Naval Research)

2000年,美国卫生研究院国家研究个人奖(Individual National Research Service Award, National Institute of Health)

1997年,斯坦福大学Chodorow博士后(Chodorow Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford University)


2012 Danny Thomas Lecture, St Jude Research Hospital

2012 Leica Scientific Forum Lectures, California

2011 Leica Scientific Forum Lectures, Germany

2011 Greenfield Lecture, Case Western University

2011 Fredric Fay Lecture, University of Massachusetts School of Medicine

2011 Closs Lecture, University of Chicago 2

2011 Maggie & Nick DeWolf Public Lecture, Aspen Center for Physics

2010 Magomedov-Shcherbinina Memorial Prize Lecture, University of Rochester

2008 ST Huang Memorial Lecture, Hong Kong University

2008 Brockman Lecture, University of Michigan

2008 Morrison Lecture, Cornell University

2006 Seymour Rothchild Lecture, University of Rochester

2004 Gunnar and Gunnel Kallén Memorial Lecture, Lund University, Sweden

2004 Jean-Francois Lefèvre Lecture in Biophysics, Ecole Supérieure de Biotechnologie

de Strasbourg, France



Annual Review on Biophysics

Biophysical Journal

Chemical Physics Letters

Optical Nanoscopy



E. A. Mukamel, H. P. Babcock, X. Zhuang. Statistical deconvolution for super-resolution fluorescence Microscopy. Biophys. J. (in press)

K. Xu, H. P. Babcock, X. Zhuang. Dual-objective STORM reveals three-dimensional filament organization in the actin cytoskeleton. Nat. Methods 9, 185-188 (2012).

M. Lakadamyali, H. Babcock, M. Bates, X. Zhuang, J. Lichtman. 3D Multicolor Super-Resolution Imaging Offers Improved Accuracy in NeuronTracing. PLoS One 7: e30826 (2012)

M. Bates, G. T. Dempsey, K. H. Chen, X. Zhuang. Multicolor super-resolution fluorescence imaging through via multi-parameter fluorophore detection. Chemphyschem 13, 99-107

G. T. Dempsey, J. C. Vaughan, K. H. Chen, M. Bates, X. Zhuang. Evaluation of fluorophores for optimal performance in localization-based super-resolution imaging. Nat. Methods 8, 1027-
1036 (2011).

J. C. Vaughan, X. Zhuang. New fluorescent probes for Super-resolution imaging. Nat. Biotechnol. 29, 880-881 (2011)

W. Wang, G.W. Li, C. Chen, X. S. Xie, X. Zhuang. Chromosome organization by a nucleoid associated protein. Science 333, 1445-1449 (2011). 

E. C. Garner, R. Bernard, W. Wang, X. Zhuang, D. Z. Rudner, T. Mitchison. Circumferential Motions of the Cell Wall Synthesis Machinery Drive Cytoskeletal Dynamics in B. subtilis. Science 333, 222-225 (2011).

S. Jones, S.-H. Shim, J. He, X. Zhuang. Fast three-dimensional super-resolution imaging of live cells. Nat. Methods 8, 499-505 (2011).

M. Mihalusova, J. Y. Wu, X. Zhuang. Functional importance of telomerase pseudoknot revealed by single-molecule analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 20339-20344 (2011).

B. Huang, H. Babcock, X. Zhuang, Breaking the diffraction barrier: Super-resolution imaging of cells. Cell 143, 1047-1058 (2010).

S. Liu, B. T. Harada, J. T. Miller, S. F. J. Le Grice, X. Zhuang. Initiation complex dynamics direct the transitions between distinct phases of early HIV reverse transcription. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 1453-1460 (2010)

A. Dani, B. Huang, J. Bergan, C. Dulac, X. Zhuang. Super-resolution imaging of chemical synapses in the brain. Neuron 68, 843-856 (2010)

M. Wu, B. Huang, M. Graham, A. Raimondi, J. E. Heuser, X. Zhuang, P. De Camilli. Coupling between clathrin-dependent endocytic budding and F-BAR-dependent tubulation in a cell-free system. Nat. Cell Biol. 12, 902-908 (2010)

S. Chung, M. Wendeler, J. W. Rausch, G. Beilhartz, M. Gotte,  B. R. O’Keefe, A. Bermingham, J. A. Beutler, S. Liu, X. Zhuang, S. F.J. Le Grice. Structure-Activity Analysis of Vinylogous Urea Inhibitors of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Encoded Ribonuclease H. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 54, 3913-3921 (2010)

M. Bates, S. A. Jones, X. Zhuang. Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) -- A Method for Superresolution Fluorescence Imaging. Chapter 35 in Imaging: A Laboratory Manual. Ed. Rafael Yuste. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (2010)

G. Dempsey, W. Wang, X. Zhuang, Fluorescence Imaging at Sub–Diffraction-Limit Resolution with Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy. Pp. 95-127 in Handbook of Single-molecule Biophysics (ed. Hinterdorfer P, van Oijen AM), Springer Science and Business Media, New York. 4 T. Blosser, J. Yang, M. Stone, G. Narlikar, X. Zhuang, Dynamics of nucleosome remodeling by
individual ACF complexes. Nature 462, 1022-1027 (2009) 

G. T. Dempsey, M. Bates, W. E. Kowtoniuk, D. R. Liu, R. Y. Tsien, X. Zhuang. Photoswitching mechanism of cyanine dyes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 18192-18193 (2009)

M. Bates, B. Huang, M. Rust, G. Dempsey, W. Wang, X. Zhuang. Sub-diffraction-limit Imaging with Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Micrscopy (STORM). Nobel Volume on Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Springer Publishing (2009). 

J. Wu, M. Stone, X. Zhuang. A Single-molecule assay for telomerase structural-function analysis. Nucleic Acid Res. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp1033 (2009) 

J. Vaughan, B. Brandenburg, J. Hogle, X. Zhuang. Rapid actin-dependent viral motility in live cells. Biophysical Journal 97, 1647-1656 (2009) 

X. Zhuang. Nano-imaging with STORM. Nat. Photon. 3, 365-367 (2009)  

Huang, M. Bates, X. Zhuang. Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 78, 993 – 1016 (2009)

E. Abbondanzieri, X. Zhuang. Concealed enzyme coordination. Nature 457, 392-393 (2009).

H. M. van der Schaar, M. J. Rust, C. Chen, H. van der Ende-Metselaar, J. Wilschut, X. Zhuang, J. M. Smit. Dissecting the cell entry pathway of single Dengue virus particles in living cells. PLoS
Pathogen 4, e1000244 (2009)

S. Liu, E. Abbondanzieri, J. W. Rausch, S. F. J. Le Grice, X. Zhuang. Slide into action: dynamic shuttling of HIV reverse transcriptase on nucleic acid substrate. Science 322, 1092-1097

B. Huang, S. Jones, B. Brandenburg, X. Zhuang. Whole cell 3D STORM reveals interactions between cellular structures with nanometer-scale resolution. Nat. Meth. 5, 1047 - 1052 (2008).

M. Bates, B. Huang, X. Zhuang. Super-resolution microscopy by nanoscale localization of photoswitchable fluorescent probes. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 208, 1-10 (2008)

C. Chen, X. Zhuang. Epsin1 is a cargo specific adaptor for the clathrin-mediated endocytosis of influenza virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 11790-11795 (2008)

J. Zheng, X. Zhuang. Luminescent and Raman active silver nanoparticles with polycrystalline structure. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 10472-10473 (2008)

E. Abbondanzieri, G. Bokinsky, J. W. Rausch, J. X. Zhang, S. F. J. Le Grice, X. Zhuang. Dynamic binding orientations direct activity of HIV reverse transcriptase. Nature 453, 184-189 (2008).

B. Huang, W. Wang, M. Bates, X. Zhuang. Three-dimensional super-resolution imaging by stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy. Science 319, 810-813 (2008).

M. Bates, B. Huang, G. Dempsey, X. Zhuang. Multicolor super-resolution imaging with photoswitchable fluorescent probes. Science 317, 1749-1753 (2007).

S. Liu, G. Bokinsky, N. G. Walter, X. Zhuang. Dissecting the multi-step reaction pathway of an RNA enzyme by single-molecule kinetic fingerprinting. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 12634-12639 (2007).

M. D. Stone, M. Mihalusova, C. M. O’Connor, R. Prathapam, K. Collins, X. Zhuang. Stepwise protein-mediated RNA folding directs assembly of telomerase ribonucleoprotein. Nature 446, 458-461 (2007).

B. Brandenburg, L. Y. Lee, M. Lakadamyali, M. J. Rust, X. Zhuang, and J. M. Hogle. Imaging poliovirus entry in live cells. PLoS Biol. 5, 1543-1555 (2007). 

B. Brandenburg, X. Zhuang. Virus trafficking – learning from single-virus tracking. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 5, 197-208 (2007). 5

M. J. Rust, M. Lakadamyali, B. Brandenburg, and X. Zhuang. Single-virus tracking in live cells. In Single Molecule Techniques Ed. P.S. Selvin and T.Ha (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press). Y. Zhou, X. Zhuang. Kinetic analysis of sequential multi-step reactions. J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 13600-13610, 2007 (2007).

H. M. van der Shaar, M. J. Rust, B. Waarts, H. van der Ende Metselaar, R. J. Kuhn, J. Wilschut, X. Zhuang, J. M. Smit. Characterization of the early events in Dengue virus cell entry by biochemical assays and single-virus tracking. J. Virol., 81, 12019-12028 (2007).

C. K. Payne, S. Jones, C. Chen, X. Zhuang. Internalization and trafficking of cell surface proteoglycans and proteoglycan binding ligands. Traffic 8, 389-401 (2007).

Y. Zhou and X. Zhuang. Robust reconstruction of the rate constant distribution using the phase function method. Biophys. J. 91, 4045-4053 (2006).

M. J. Rust, M. Bates, X. Zhuang. Sub-diffraction-limit imaging by stochastic reconstruction optical microscopy (STORM). Nat. Meth. 3, 793-795 (2006).

G. Bokinsky, L. G. Nivon, S. Liu, G. Chai., M. Hong, K. M. Weeks, X. Zhuang. Two distinct binding mode of a protein cofactor with its target RNA. J. Mol. Biol. 361, 771-784 (2006).

M. Lakadamyali, M. J. Rust, X. Zhuang. Ligands for clathrin-mediated endocytosis are differentially sorted into distinct populations of early endosomes. Cell 124, 997-1009 (2006).

X. Zhuang. Single-molecule RNA Science.  Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 34, 399-414 (2005) 

G. Bokinsky, X. Zhuang. Single-molecule RNA folding. Acct.  Chem. Res. 38, 566-573 (2005).

M. Bates, T. R. Blosser, X. Zhuang. Short-range spectroscopic ruler based on a single-molecule optical switch. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 108101 (2005).

X. Zhuang. Unraveling DNA condensation by optical tweezers. Science 305, 188-190 (2004). 

M. Lakadamyali, M. J. Rust, X. Zhuang. Endocytosis of influenza viruses. Micro. Infect. 6, 929- 936 (2004). 

M. J. Rust, M. Lakadamyali, F. Zhang, X. Zhuang. Assembly of endocytic machinery around individual influenza viruses during viral entry. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 11, 567-573 (2004).

F. Patolsky, G. Zheng, O. Hayden, M. Lakadamyali, X. Zhuang, C. M. Lieber. Electrical detection of single viruses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 14017-14022 (2004).

H. P. Babcock, C. Chen, X. Zhuang. Using single particle-tracking to study nuclear trafficking of viral genes. Biophys. J. 87, 2749-2758 (2004).

D. Rueda, G. Bokinsky, M. M. Rhodes, M. J. Rust, X. Zhuang, N. G. Walter.  Single-molecule enzymology of RNA: Essential functional groups impact catalysis from a distance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 10066-10071 (2004).

M. Lakadamyali, M. J. Rust, H P. Babcock, X. Zhuang. Visualizing infection of individual influenza viruses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 9280-9285 (2003).

G. Bokinsky, D. Rueda, V. K. Misra, A. Gordus, M. M. Rhodes, H. P. Babcock, N. G. Walter, X. Zhuang. Single-molecule transition-state analysis of RNA folding. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 9302-9307 (2003).

X. Zhuang and M. Rief. Single-molecule folding. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 13, 88-97 (2003).  

L. E. Bartley, X. Zhuang, R. Das, S. Chu, D. Herschlag. Exploration of the transition state for tertiary structure formation between an RNA helix and a large structured RNA. J. Mol. Biol.
328, 1011-1026 (2003). 

X. Zhuang, H. Kim, M. Pereira, H. Babcock, N. Walter, S. Chu. Correlating structural dynamics and function in single ribozyme molecules. Science 296, 1473-1476 (2002).

R. Russell, X. Zhuang, H. Babcock, I. S. Millett, S. Doniach, S. Chu, D. Herschlag. Exploring the folding landscape of a structured RNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 155-160 (2002).

X. Zhuang, L. Bartley, H. Babcock, R. Russell, T. Ha, D. Herschlag, S. Chu. A single-molecule study of RNA catalysis and folding. Science 288, 2048-2051 (2000).

X. Zhuang, T. Ha, H. Kim, T. Centner, S. Labeit, S. Chu. Fluorescence quenching: a tool for single-molecule protein-folding study. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 14241-14244 (2000).

T. Ha, X. Zhuang, H. Kim, J. Orr, J. Williamson, S. Chu. Ligand-induced conformational changes of single RNA molecules. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 9077-9082 (1999).

S.-C. Hong, M. Oh-e, X. Zhuang, Y. R. Shen, J. J. Ge, F. W. Harris, S. Z. D. Cheng. Orientation of side chains and adsorbed liquid crystal molecules on a rubbed polyimide surface studied by optical harmonic generation. Phys. Rev. E 63, 0517061-7 (2001).

J. J. Ge, C. Y. Li, G.I. Xue, I. K. Mann, S. Z. D. Cheng, J. Z. Zhang, D. Zhang, S. Wang, F. W. Harris, S.-C. Hong, X. Zhuang, Y. R. Shen. Rubbing-induced molecular reorientation on an alignment surface of an aromatic polyimide containing cyanobiphenyl side chains.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 5768-5776 (2001).

X. Wei, X. Zhuang, D. Kim, S.-C. Hong, T. Goto, and Y. R. Shen. Vibrational spectroscopy of rubbed polymer surfaces. Mole. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 358, 103-108 (2001).

X. Wei, S. Hong, X. Zhuang, T. Goto, Y. R. Shen. Nonlinear optical studies of liquid crystal alignment on a rubber polyvinyl alcohol surface. Phys. Rev. E 62, 5160-5172, (2000).

X. Wei, X. Zhuang, S. Hong, T. Goto, Y. R. Shen. Sum-Frequency vibrational spectroscopic study of a rubbed polymer surface. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4256-4259 (1999).

X. Zhuang, P. B. Miranda, D. Kim, Y. R. Shen. Mapping molecular orientation and conformation at interfaces by surface nonlinear optics. Phys. Rev. B 59, 12632-12640 (1999).

T. Qian, X. Zhuang, Y. R. Shen. Surface-monolayer-induced bulk alignment of liquid crystals: from nematic to smectic-a phase. Phys. Rev. E 59, 1873-1879 (1999).

X. Zhuang, R. Muenster, M. Jarasch, Y. R. Shen. “Dye-induced enhancement of optical nonlinearity in liquid crystals and ordinary liquids.  Mole. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 321, 165-172

J. J. Ge, G.Xue, K. W. McCreight, S. Wang, F. W. Harris, S. Z. D. Cheng, X. Zhuang, S. Hong, Y. R. Shen. Surface studies of polyimide thin films via surface enhanced Raman scattering and
second harmonic generation. Macromol. Rapid Comm. 19, 619-623 (1998).

R. Muenster, M. Jarasch, X. Zhuang, Y. R. Shen. Enhanced optical kerr effect of dye-doped isotropic liquid. Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 42-45 (1997).

X. Zhuang and Y. R. Shen. The application of nonlinear optics to the study of polymers at interfaces. Trends Polym. Sci. 4, 258-264 (1996). 

A. Le Calvez, S. Montant, E. Freysz, A. Ducasse, X. Zhuang, Y. R. Shen. Ultrafast orientation dynamics of liquid crystals in smectic phase. Chem. Phys. Lett. 258, 620-625 (1996).

X. Zhuang, H. S. Lackritz, and Y. R. Shen. Photo-isomerization of polymer monolayers and multilayers on water. Chem. Phys. Lett. 246, 279-284 (1995).

X. Zhuang, D. Wilk, L. Marrucci, and Y. R. Shen. Orientation of amphiphilic molecules on polar substrates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2144-2147 (1995).

X. Zhuang, L. Marrucci, D. Johannsmann, and Y. R. Shen. Dependence of liquid crystal bulk alignment on its surface monolayer. Mole. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 262, 35-43 (1995). 

X. Zhuang, L. Marrucci, and Y. R. Shen. Surface-monolayer-induced bulk alignment of liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1513-1516 (1994).