
2012-06-15 09:11 · buyou

中国科学院北京基因组研究所副所长于军认为,从技术上讲,全基因组测序引领的个体化医疗已经完全没有前行的障碍了,但还是需要5-10年时间才能实现。 未来的基因组学时代、个体化基因组医疗时代,可能会遇到比转基因食品更棘手的问题,如法律问题、伦理和道德问题、个人隐私问题等等。


来自桑格研究所、剑桥大学以及基因测序公司Illumina Inc的一个科研团队,用2009年一家医院新生儿重症监护病房爆发的MRSA样本进行了这项研究。



2011年6月《科学•转化医学》[2]上的一篇论文表明,基因测序可以成为一种有希望的诊断方法。一次基因测序就可以发现所有可能出现的基因突变。该论文的作者之一理查德.吉布斯(Richard Gibbs)认为,在未来的3到4年内,90%的单基因突变引起的疾病会得到解决。






中国科学院北京基因组研究所副所长于军认为,从技术上讲,全基因组测序引领的个体化医疗已经完全没有前行的障碍了,但还是需要5-10年时间才能实现。 未来的基因组学时代、个体化基因组医疗时代,可能会遇到比转基因食品更棘手的问题,如法律问题、伦理和道德问题、个人隐私问题等等。


[1] Rapid Whole-Genome Sequencing for Investigation of a Neonatal MRSA Outbreak

BACKGROUND  Isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) belonging to a single lineage are often indistinguishable by means of current typing techniques. Whole-genome sequencing may provide improved resolution to define transmission pathways and characterize outbreaks.

METHODS  We investigated a putative MRSA outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit. By using rapid high-throughput sequencing technology with a clinically relevant turnaround time, we retrospectively sequenced the DNA from seven isolates associated with the outbreak and another seven MRSA isolates associated with carriage of MRSA or bacteremia in the same hospital.

RESULTS  We constructed a phylogenetic tree by comparing single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the core genome to a reference genome (an epidemic MRSA clone, EMRSA-15 [sequence type 22]). This revealed a distinct cluster of outbreak isolates and clear separation between these and the nonoutbreak isolates. A previously missed transmission event was detected between two patients with bacteremia who were not part of the outbreak. We created an artificial “resistome” of antibiotic-resistance genes and demonstrated concordance between it and the results of phenotypic susceptibility testing; we also created a “toxome” consisting of toxin genes. One outbreak isolate had a hypermutator phenotype with a higher number of SNPs than the other outbreak isolates, highlighting the difficulty of imposing a simple threshold for the number of SNPs between isolates to decide whether they are part of a recent transmission chain.

CONCLUSIONS  Whole-genome sequencing can provide clinically relevant data within a time frame that can influence patient care. The need for automated data interpretation and the provision of clinically meaningful reports represent hurdles to clinical implementation. 


[2] Deep Sequencing of Patient Genomes for Disease Diagnosis: When Will It Become Routine?

Next-generation sequencing technologies have greatly lowered the cost of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and related approaches. Thus, comprehensive sequencing for diagnostic purposes may clear this financial hurdle in the near future. The report by Bainbridge and colleagues in this issue of Science Translational Medicine illustrates the diagnostic power of WGS. In this Perspective, we discuss whether and how genome sequencing might become routine for clinical diagnosis.
